TiraLine Health Services
ABA Therapy in L.A.
We provide a variety of ABA services for individuals ages 1-21
Winning Victories with ABA Therapy In Los Angeles
We provide Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy Services for people of all abilities. We work with ages 1 through 21 to provide ABA Therapy in L.A. At TiraLine Health Service, we celebrate the little victories, in the form of trackable improvements, of the patients of our center. The treatments and services provided will allow for better interpersonal relationships and better interactions with other members of the community. ABA targets skills and behaviors of individuals by providing a therapeutic approach to enhance, strengthen, and improve the life of those individuals.
Providing ABA therapy in L.A.,all ABA Sessions are Provided In-Home. Our team will come to you!
Flexible Schedule
We’ll asses show many ABA hours are required and collaborate with your other service providers to make sure your family is receiving everything you need.
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ABA Therapy in Los Angeles
Our ABA Services
In L.A.
In-Home ABA Therapy
ABA therapy that takes place in a natural setting such as a home or day care is typically preferred as it allows the team to work with your child where their behaviors and skill deficits are occurring. This typically results in your child better learning the skills and generalizing skills outside of therapy sessions as well.
Direct Program Supervision
Our services provide one-on-one sessions with highly experienced Program Supervisors. This service gives the opportunity for the therapist and parent to discuss the program with the specialist to always enhance and set new goals for your child. The Program Supervisor will always oversee and ensure that the performance and implementation of the program by the therapist meets Tiraline standards and quality of service.
Parent & Sibling Support Groups
Tiraline provides support to the patient’s siblings and family through one-on-one and group counseling sessions with our licensed behavioral health professionals. We understand that having a child with special needs impacts the entire family unit, and we are here to support the whole family. Support Group Therapy The goal is to bring family and/or friends to meet face-to-face with a trained group therapist to talk about a particular issue with which all of them are struggling – such as anxiety, depression, anger management, eating disorders, addictive behaviors, etc.
Parent Training and Participation in ABA Strategies
Tiraline believes that for the child to change and progress to a positive standing, therapy must be consistent and applied even when therapy session is not taking place. Tiraline offers Parental training programs that teach parents the practical strategies they need to handle problem behaviors that lead to an increased understanding of the child, which often leads to improved parent/child relations.
School Based Behavior Support
Within the program Tiraline will ensure to provide set goals and strategies for the individual in different settings, one being the ‘School’. Tiraline provides a continuum of behavioral health supports for students experiencing social, emotional, and/or behavioral difficulties that impair their ability to function in school.
Adaptive Skills
Adaptive Skills Training aims to increase a client’s life skills toward a greater level of independence in the home and community. Adaptive Skills Training services are based in a developmental perspective in which areas a client is delayed in are targeted, it utilizes principles of ABA. Adaptive Skills aims to increase a variety of skills that a client struggles with including self-help, communication, socialization, community, etc.
Behavior Management Services
Behavior management refers to a class of therapeutic techniques for altering behavior by changing one or more aspects of an individual's environment. The aspects that are changed are those believed to contribute most significantly to the occurrence or maintenance of behaviors that are problematic for the individual himself/herself or for other individuals in the environment. Environmental changes are also made for the purpose of increasing positive behaviors that are considered desirable or adaptive.
Supported Employee Training
Obtaining employment for a person on the autism spectrum can be a difficult change with some significant obstacles. Tiraline offers this service specifically to support autistic job seekers to develop the key skills to find and maintain long term, meaningful employment. We offer support with, job seeking, interview support, resume building, mentoring, and training.
Social Skills
Social Skills provides therapeutic, ABA driven, group experiences in the home or community setting. Our highly trained ABA specialist take complex social skills and break them down to provide and teach socially acceptable behaviors in different ways and different settings. Some taught skills are recognizing facial cues, responding to peers, working as a team, joining a group, taking turns, initiating play, voice modulations, conversational skills, problem solving and facing challenges in social situations, all while having a fun and positive collaborative experience with peers.
Getting Started At Tiraline Health Is Easy!
Contact Us
Use one of the contact methods below to contact our front office.
Schedule a consultation with our Clinical Director.
We will complete an evaluation and get insurance authorization.
ABA Therapy in Los Angeles County. All ABA Sessions are Provided In-Home. Our team will come to you anywhere in Los Angeles!
Flexible Schedule
We'll asses show many ABA hours are required and collaborate with your other service providers to make sure your family is receiving everything you need.